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Afterlife Tournament: Psycho's Past



CONGRATULATIONS, COMPETITOR. YOU WON THIS ROUND. BENJI AND JC ARE ELIMINATED FROM THE TOURNAMENT. HERE IS YOUR NEXT OPPONENT The crazy maid, who just recovered from her depression and became a homicidal killer again, spun around and saw the floating TV screen again. She waited patiently as the floating TV robot....thing was still deciding who her next opponent was. Finally, the TV screen showed a picture of a girl with long brown hair, a rat tail and some sharp claws. Her left eye, in Psycho's view the right eye, was not an eye but a metal plate. Under the picture read,

"Charoilet, huh?" Psycho asked herself out loud. CORRECT. PLEASE KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN, FOR THE HALF-HUMAN MAY BE AROUND SOMEWHERE And then the screen floated away. The dead maid sighed and looked at where Benji stabbed her.

"Better go clean up. Don't want this 'Charoilet' human thinking I was trying to kill myself. Though, I'm not sure how that's possible considering that I'm already dead," And as soon she started talking to herself, she made a conservation with herself while she was cleaning up the blood and stitched up the hole in her dress. After that, she yawned. This surprised Psycho because she never felt tired.

"Hmm...properly because of this city or something. Oh, well~! Gotta build up my strength before I fight that human~!" She sang happily to herself while grinning at the thought of slicing the rat-girl into pieces, as usual. Just like a ninja, she started to climb on one of the highest buildings she could find. Once she was up, she laid down on the ground, against the chimney, shut her eyes and started to sleep.
Mary sighed with exhaustion, while sitting on a wooden box.

"Gosh, the Ross family is making me work double time," she said to herself. "I wonder if it's because there's a special visitor coming?" "Yes, there is," a male voice replied behind her. When she turned around, she smiled with who she saw.

"Cody!" The blonde maid stood up and ran towards him to hug him. Cody hugged back, but while he does Mary felt his hand holding onto something, so she gently pushed him away and found him holding a small black box in a shape of a rectangle.

"Cody? What's this? Is this for your girlfriend?" Mary asked excitedly. The brown-headed boy laughed and shook his head.

"Nope! This is for you, lil' sis," as he finished his sentence, he gave Mary the box. She politely accepted and said her thank you, then proceeded to open the box. Inside it was a necklace with the cross on one end. Mary gasped and then smiled. She picked up the necklace and wore it around her neck.

"Thank you, Cody! This is the most generous thing you ever done for me!" She hugged her brother again, then backed away to rub her arm and looked sad. "It's just such a shame we can't spend more time together...." Cody smiled at his younger sister and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Just because your a maid and I'm a teacher doesn't mean we can't spend more time together any less. Us siblings need to stick together, right?" he said with a smile. Mary smiled back and hugged him. "I guess your right," They both hugged for a while, until Cody whispered, "We're both alone, aren't we....?" Mary looked at him with confusion.

"Huh? Um, yeah, we are. Why do you-" She was cut off when Cody suddenly grabbed her head rather tightly. "Don't take this too personal. I'm just following father's orders," "H-Huh?!" Suddenly, Cody smashed her head against the wall, making Mary's head thump with pain. It didn't ease off when Cody kept on smashing her head against the wall over and over and over again until blood was on the wall and he could hear her skull crack. Cody let go of her head and she fell to the floor, her lifeless eyes staring at nothing. Cody then walked away without looking at her face or feel any guilt at all.

It was all black. Not a sound was heard. She couldn't even call out for someone to help her. Her voice was cramped up in her throat as tiny sobs were escaping her lips, the corner of her mouth dripping with blood. Tears were coming down on both cheeks and they failed to stop.

"Why....?" Mary asked. "Why did he kill me....? What did I do to deserve this....?" ....yOu ArE mIsErIbLe.....ArEn'T yOu....? a ghastly voice whispered. Mary's head shot up when she heard the voice.

"W-Who's there?" .....AnSwEr Me, MoRtAl....... Mary gulped. "Y...Yes, I guess I am....who are you?" .....YoUr WoNdErInG wHy YoUr BrOtHeR kIlLeD yOu, DoN'T yOu....? "H-How do you know about that?" .....AnSwEr Me.... "....." Mary was silent for a while, not sure whether she could trust the voice she can hear but cannot see. "....Yeah. Wait, do YOU know?!" ....InDeEd..... "W-Well, what is it? Why did he kill me?!" .....YoU wIlL hAvE tO fIgUrE tHaT oUt YoUrSeLf...... "What?! But how could I possibly-" .....dO yOu WaNt ReVeNgE....? Mary was startled by the word 'revenge'. She never thought about getting revenge on anybody! Never have been!

"N-No, I don't! He's my brother! I can't kill my own sibling!" .....wHaT's ThE dIfFeReNcE.....?.....hE kIlLeD yOu...... "Well.....y-yeah, but I'm sure there's a reason why!" .....Is ThErE......?.....iS tHeRe ReAlLy....? "Well, um....I.....I don't know," ....ExAcTlY......tHeRe IS No ReAsOn......He OnLy KiLlEd YoU fOr FuN......hE dOsEn'T cArE wHeThEr YoU bOtH hAvE tHe SaMe BlOoD......aLl He WaNtS tO dO iS sPiLl It...... "No...No! That's not true! He would never do that!" ......StOp LyInG tO yOuR sElF......eSpEcIaLlY pSyChO...... Huh? Psycho? Is the voice talking about my inner psycho or something? ....pSyChO iS aSkInG tO bE fReE.....sToP bEiNg CrUeL aNd LeT hEr OuT...... "I-I don't understand!" .....yOuR nOt SuPpOsEd To.....LeT hEr OuT..... Mary's head was starting to have a thumping headache from this voice. She turned and ran away, almost as if her life depended on it. She knew there was nothing here that could save her from the ghastly voice, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was live again.

.....lEt HeR oUt......ThErE iS nO pOiNt In RuNnInG aWaY.....sHe Is AlWaYs ThErE...... "Leave me alone!!!" .....i KnOw YoUr HoLdInG sUcH hAtReD aNd AnGeR fRoM cOdY.......wHy DoN't YoU lEt YoUr InNeR iNsAnItY oUt.......?......It WiLl GeT rId Of YoUr FeArS......yOuR wOrRiEs.......YoUr PaIn......LeT pSyChO oUt..... Mary stopped running and stood in silence. "I-I......" Just because your a maid and I'm a teacher doesn't mean we can't spend more time together any less. Us siblings need to stick together, right? Mary was startled by Cody's sudden voice. She turned around and saw Cody standing there in the nothingness, smiling. "C-Cody....? Cody!" Mary started to run up to him, but the voice stopped her.

......DoN't YoU rEmEmBeR wHaT cOdY dId To YoU......? The scared and confused maid stopped in her tracks and stared at Cody face to face.

"Cody? Why did you kill me? Or try to, at least," she asked. Cody then smirked at her. And not in a good way. Because your so gullible. You believed everything I told you. That's really pathetic for a maid "B-But, Cody! I'm your sister!" A sister who believes everything the brother tells her is no sister of mine. But, I gotta say, smashing your head against the wall WAS really fun. Too bad there aren't any walls around here to kill you with Mary widened her eyes in shock.

"You.....liked killing me....?" Mary started to tremble and tears began to shed. "B-But....But I thought loved me....." You can't seriously be that retarded. Girls are so simple-minded. Later! Enjoy your stay in Hell Cody turned around and began to walk away. Mary watched her brother walk away, still sobbing. .....wHaT's ThE mAtTeR, mArY.....?......i ThOuGhT sEeInG yOuR bRoThEr MaDe YoU hApPy....... Mary stared at the ground for a while longer, then her shocked and heartbroken face twisted into fury and her eyes turned into dots. "Happy....?" She looked up at Cody, still walking away, and a large scythe appeared in her hand. "I don't think so!" With a loud scream, she bolted towards Cody and lobbed off his head and started to slice him up into pieces. She panted after she had finished killing her brother. She looked at the scythe and her eyes became normal again and didn't look so angry and more confused.

"Huh? Where did I get this?" .....ThAt Is YoUr NeW, sPeCiAl wEaPoN......iT's CaLlEd "Slasher"...... "Slasher, huh? But what makes it so special? It's just a plain old scythe," ......It'S nOt JuSt AnY oLd ScYtHe......ThIs ScYtHe Is FuLeD bY yOuR aNgEr, HaTrEd AnD iNsAnItY.....iF yOu UsE iT cOrReCtLy, It WiLl UnLeAsH a SpEcIaL aTtAcK........bUt It OnLy WoRkS oN tHe InNoCeNt.....ThE mOrE yOu UsE iT, tHe MoRe PoWeRfUl It BeCoMeS....... "But I don't have any CLUE on how to use this thing!" ......i WiLl TeAcH yOu ThE wAyS oF tHe Slasher......BuT oNlY iF yOu EnJoY tHe DeAtHs Of ThE iNnOcEnT......aNd ThE bRuTaL kIlLiNg Of YoUr BrOtHeR......dId YoU eNjOy CoDy'S sUfFeRiNg......? Mary looked at Cody's lifeless body and looked at the blood. The more she thought about the murder of her own brother, the more her heart started to race with excitement.

"To be was It's like, when I killed my own brother, it was so much fun I just wanted more!" ......CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS.........yOu ArE nOw OfFiCaLlY mY aPpReNtIcE.......mArY..... Mary stared at the blood a while longer, before grinning and eyes becoming tiny dots.

"Psycho. Call me Psycho"
Her eyes suddenly opened and sat up quickly. She looked around and saw she was still on the roof. Psycho looked up at the sky and saw it was nightfall. It was day just a second ago. Did she sleep that long? Psycho only shrugged and grinned. She picked up her scythe, stood up and jumped off the building, only to land perfectly like a cat landing on all four feet.

"Watch out, Charoilet. Psycho's in town, and she's in the mood for some 'bonding'"

Mary/Psycho, Cody and The Voice belongs to (c) Me

Afterlife Tournament belongs to (c) :iconlilpsychohtf:

Charoilet belongs to (c) Zorarka
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LilPsychoHTF's avatar
Sorry for not reading for a while :/